
Perícia no Desporto


Train Smarter, Play More: Insights about Preparation and Game Participation in Youth National Team.

Arede, A., Ferreira, A.P., Esteves, P., Gonzalo- Skok, O. & Leite N. (2020). Train Smarter, Play More: Insights about Preparation and Game Participation in Youth National Team. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 91(4), 583-593. doi:

‘Knowing as we go’: a Hunter-gatherer behavioural model to guide innovation in sport science.

Woods, C. T., Robertson, S., Rudd, J., Araújo, D., & Davids, K. (2020). ‘Knowing as we go’: a Hunter-gatherer behavioural model to guide innovation in sport science. Sports Medicine - Open, 6(1), 52. doi:

Sport practitioners as sport ecology designers: How ecological dynamics has progressively changed perceptions of skill “acquisition” in the sporting habitat.

Woods, C. T., McKeown, I., Rothwell, M., Araújo, D., Robertson, S., & Davids, K. (2020). Sport practitioners as sport ecology designers: How ecological dynamics has progressively changed perceptions of skill “acquisition” in the sporting habitat. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 654. doi:

Malandragem and Ginga: Socio-cultural constraints on the development of expertise and skills in Brazilian football.

Uehara, L., Button, C., Saunders, J., Araújo, D., Falcous, M., & Davids, K. (2020). Malandragem and Ginga: Socio-cultural constraints on the development of expertise and skills in Brazilian football. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 16(3), 622-635. doi:

Refining the Short Version of the Leadership Scale for Sports: Factorial Validation and Measurement Invariance.

Teques, P., Silva, C., Rosado, A., Calmeiro, L., Serpa, S. (2020). Refining the Short Version of the Leadership Scale for Sports: Factorial Validation and Measurement Invariance. Psychological Reports, 124(5), 2302-2326. doi:

Validation and adaptation of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) in fitness group exercisers.

Teques, P., Silva, C., Borrego, C., & Calmeiro, L. (2020). Validation and adaptation of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) in fitness group exercisers. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 9, 352-357. doi:

A multilevel hypernetworks approach to capture properties of team synergies at higher complexity levels.

Ribeiro, J., Silva, P., Davids, K., Araújo, D., Ramos, J., Lopes, R., & Garganta, J. (2020). A multilevel hypernetworks approach to capture properties of team synergies at higher complexity levels. European Journal of Sport Science, 20(10), 1318–1328. doi:

A multilevel hypernetworks approach to capture meso-level synchronization processes in football.

Ribeiro, J., Lopes, R., Silva, P., Araújo, D., Barreira, D., Davids, K., Ramos, J., Maia, J., & Garganta, J. (2020). A multilevel hypernetworks approach to capture meso-level synchronization processes in football. Journal of Sports Sciences, 38(5), 494–502. doi:

Differences in Maturity, Morphological, and Fitness Attributes Between the Better- and Lower-Ranked Male and Female U-14 Portuguese Elite Regional Basketball Teams.

Ramos, S., Volossovitch, A., Ferreira, A. P., Barrigas, C., Fragoso, I. & Massuça, L. (2020). Differences in Maturity, Morphological, and Fitness Attributes Between the Better- and Lower-Ranked Male and Female U-14 Portuguese Elite Regional Basketball Teams. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(3), 878-887. doi:

Interactions between soccer teams reveal both design and emergence: Cooperation, competition and Zipf-Mandelbrot regularity.

Ramos, J. P., Lopes, R. J., & Araújo, D. (2020). Interactions between soccer teams reveal both design and emergence: Cooperation, competition and Zipf-Mandelbrot regularity. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 137, 109872. doi:

Affordance-based surgical design methods considering biomechanical artifacts.

Kim, W., Araújo, D., Kohles, S. S., Kim, S.-G., & Sanchez, H. H. A. (2020). Affordance-based surgical design methods considering biomechanical artifacts. Ecological Psychology, 33(1), 57-71. doi:

Height after side: Goalkeepers detect the vertical direction of association-football penalty kicks from the ball trajectory.

Higueras-Herbada, A., Lopes, J. E., Travieso, D., Ibáñez-Gijón, J., Araújo, D., & Jacobs, D. M. (2020). Height after side: Goalkeepers detect the vertical direction of association-football penalty kicks from the ball trajectory. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 311. doi:

Using optical tracking system data to measure team synergic behavior: Synchronization of player-ball-goal angles in a football match.

Carrilho, D., Couceiro, M. S., Brito, J., Figueiredo, P., Lopes, R. J., & Araújo, D. (2020). Using optical tracking system data to measure team synergic behavior: Synchronization of player-ball-goal angles in a football match. Sensors, 20(17), 4990. doi:

Linking tensegrity to sports team collective behaviors: Towards the group-tensegrity hypothesis.

Caldeira, P., Fonseca, S. T., Paulo, A., Infante, J., & Araújo, D. (2020). Linking tensegrity to sports team collective behaviors: Towards the group-tensegrity hypothesis. Sports Medicine - Open, 6, 24. doi:

Conceptualizing the human health outcomes of acting in natural environments: An ecological perspective.

Brymer, E., Araújo, D., Davids, K., & Pepping, G.-J. (2020). Conceptualizing the human health outcomes of acting in natural environments: An ecological perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1362. doi:


Oeiras Valley

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