
Perícia no Desporto


Training Experience and Maturational, Morphological, and Fitness Attributes as Individual Performance Predictors in Male and Female Under-14 Portuguese Elite Basketball Players.

Ramos, S., Volossovitch, A., Ferreira, A. P., Fragoso, I., & Massuça, L. M. (2021). Training Experience and Maturational, Morphological, and Fitness Attributes as Individual Performance Predictors in Male and Female Under-14 Portuguese Elite Basketball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 35(7), 2025-2032. doi:

Affordance-Based Surgical Design Methods Considering Biomechanical Artifacts.

Kim, W., Araújo, D., Kohles, S. S., Kim, S. G., & Sanchez, H. H. A. (2021). Affordance-Based Surgical Design Methods Considering Biomechanical Artifacts. Ecological Psychology, 33(1), 57–71. doi:

The Study of Maturational Timing Effect in Elite Portuguese Adolescent Basketball Players: Anthropometric, Functional and Game Performance Implications.

Fragoso, I., Ramos, S., Teles, J., Volossovitch, A., Ferreira, A.P., Massuça, L.M. (2021). The Study of Maturational Timing Effect in Elite Portuguese Adolescent Basketball Players: Anthropometric, Functional and Game Performance Implications. Applied Sciences-Basel, 11(21), 9894. doi:

Relative age effect among U14 football players in Portugal: do geographical location, team quality and playing position matter?

Almeida, C. H., & Volossovitch, A. (2021). Relative age effect among U14 football players in Portugal: do geographical location, team quality and playing position matter?. Science and Medicine in Football, 6(3), 285-294. doi:

Weaving Lines of Inquiry: Promoting Transdisciplinarity as a Distinctive Way of Undertaking Sport Science Research.

Woods, C T, Rudd, J., Araújo, D., Vaughan, J., & Davids, K. (2021). Weaving Lines of Inquiry: Promoting Transdisciplinarity as a Distinctive Way of Undertaking Sport Science Research. Sports Medicine-Open, 7(1), 1-11. doi:

From a Technology That Replaces Human Perception-Action to One That Expands It: Some Critiques of Current Technology Use in Sport.

Woods, C T, Araújo, D., Davids, K., & Rudd, J. (2021). From a Technology That Replaces Human Perception-Action to One That Expands It: Some Critiques of Current Technology Use in Sport. Sports Medicine-Open, 7(1), 1-10. doi:

An ecological dynamics conceptualization of physical “education”: Where we have been and where we could go next.

Rudd, J. R., Woods, C., Correia, V., Seifert, L., & Davids, K. (2021). An ecological dynamics conceptualization of physical “education”: Where we have been and where we could go next. Physical Education And Sport Pedagogy, 26(3), 293-306. doi:

The soccer game, bit by bit: An information-theoretic analysis.

Pereira, L. R., Lopes, R. J., Louca, J., Araújo, D., & Ramos, J. (2021). The soccer game, bit by bit: An information-theoretic analysis. Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 152, 111356. doi:

Benefits to Performance and Well-Being of Nature-based Exercise: A Critical Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Brito, H., Carraça, E., Palmeira, A., Ferreira, J., Vleck, V., & Araújo, D. (2021). Benefits to Performance and Well-Being of Nature-based Exercise: A Critical Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(1), pp. 62-77.

How training tools physically linking soccer players improve interpersonal coordination.

Yokoyama, K., Tabuchi, N., Araújo, D., & Yamamoto, Y. (2020). How training tools physically linking soccer players improve interpersonal coordination. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 19, 245-255. doi:

Analysis of headers in high-performance football: evidence from the English Premier League.

Sarajärvi, J., Volossovitch, A., & Almeida, C. (2020). Analysis of headers in high-performance football: evidence from the English Premier League. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 20(2), 189-205. doi:

Development and validation of the Fitness Coaching Behavior Scale: Factor structure, validity and reliability.

Sampaio, A. R., Pimenta, N., Machado, M., & Teques, P. (2020). Development and validation of the Fitness Coaching Behavior Scale: Factor structure, validity and reliability. Retos: Nuevas tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación, 37, 745-751. doi:

Self-determination theory and nonlinear pedagogy: An approach to exercise professionals’ strategies on autonomous motivation.

Raposo, F. Z., Caldeira, P., Batalau, R., Araújo, D., & Silva, M. N. (2020). Self-determination theory and nonlinear pedagogy: An approach to exercise professionals’ strategies on autonomous motivation. Retos - Nuevas Tendencias En Educación Física Deporte y Recreación, 37, 672–678. doi:

Associations of situational and performance variables with defensive transitions outcomes in FIFA World Cup 2018.

Freitas, R., Volossovitch, A., & Almeida, C.H. (2020). Associations of situational and performance variables with defensive transitions outcomes in FIFA World Cup 2018. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 0(0), 1–17. doi:

Observe and make a call: football referee’s assessment is context sensitive.

Carvalho, V., Esteves, P. T., Nunes, C., Araújo, D., Helsen, W. F., & Travassos, B. (2020). Observe and make a call: football referee’s assessment is context sensitive. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 20(6), 982–993. doi:


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